Alex, Ryan, Lachlan, Alexis and Zane have ALL up and left for vacations, Amir is living back at home until June 1st, Lindsay has been spending all of her spare time at the empty Kelsall nest tending to poochie, and Jeannie is always at the bf's.
This week, i have resorted to countless hours of __________________'s (fill in random country here) next top model on you tube, going to bed early (a good night's sleep isn't so bad) , eating out of boredom, and cleaning. I do feel as though I should have probably used this time to catch up on my letters and maybe read a book or two, but alas, as of tomorrow night I have a steady flow of Ontario visitors for the next two weeks, so those "to-do's" will be bumped to second priority.
Life has been dull but it is nice not to spend money and I am looking forward to my weekend (getting tattooed and playing host to Derek...hahahah WEIRD). Jo arrives on Monday (eep!) so I am taking a few days off for quality time with her. I can't wait to bust out the cheap wine like old times, and go for some real home-town adventures. Her and her bf Jeff are even bringing their bikes**!!
(**poor amir. his broken collarbone still hasn't healed and although he is doing much better, he just isn't quite back to riding yet. hopefully by the end of their visit he will be back on two wheels and feeling like himself again so we can all go for some late night escapades.)
here are some things I would like to do while my friends are in town:
-show them our double dutch moves and get them in on the action
-go to the good food emporium for breakfast
-go to the valley
-drink cheap wine
-cook some delicious meals
-bike ridessssss
-dinner at hamachi house
-have some beers at gus's pub
-go on a double date
-enjoying some sunshine at the commons or point pleasant park.
If anyone has some fun activities to suggest or some Hali "must-do's" to add to the list, please comment below.
Needless to say, I think I have done enough relaxing lately and have no excuse to be lazy while they're here. If anyone hears me complaining or making excuses, please stop me. I need to get my energy levels up to where they used to be so I don't look 16 but feel 60.
thats all for now kids. remind me to update more often, would ya?
Lauren Sharpe, my loyal reader, I miss you. xo